In-home to e-home

Online , United States

Presenter will walk participants through the basics of transitioning home visiting care to online. Topics to be discussed include: combating barriers to informed consent, assessing for safety, and promoting privacy and confidentiality. Attendees will gain a deeper understanding of the nuances of non-verbal communication, trauma-informed approaches, and using moments of dysregulation as opportunities for teaching coping strategies within the context of virtual care.


Infertility to Pregnancy and Postpartum

Online , United States

Participants will dive into the important mental health considerations along the fertility journey from infertility treatments to pregnancy and postpartum. This presentation will include information on getting ahead of the common symptoms and stressors, when and how to access professional support, and key tips for moving on after getting off of the fertility rollercoaster.


Legal and Ethical Dilemmas in Perinatal Mental Health

Online , United States

The field of perinatal mental health may present clinicians with unique legal and ethical dilemmas with an abundance of grey areas to traverse. Concerns about parent, infant and child safety are keenly present for providers supporting families on their reproductive journey. Additionally, ethical dilemmas may arise as clinicians navigate providing equitable care with cultural humility while meeting legal and ethical standards of licensure governing boards. This 3-part, 3-day continuing education workshop series pairs legal and clinical voices in conversation to help us problem solve these complex and ever-evolving challenges. Topics include: promoting safe boundaries, child abuse and neglect reporting, managing high risk cases and practice risk management, and implicit bias.

$40 – $100

Hi-Touch vs Hi-Tech

Online , United States

Doulas are an essential part of the birthing family’s perinatal caregiving team. Doula care is typically associated with hi-touch in-home or in-hospital non-medical services including emotional, physical and advocacy support. This session will discuss the unique challenges of delivering doula services via virtual platforms especially during national emergencies such as Covid-19. Strategies and recommendations to improve the quality of virtual or hybrid doula care for both the families and the doulas will be shared.

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